I have been reading John Kellerman and his Alex Delaware series for as long as I can remember. Open Season is one of the best in this long-running series. Alex Delaware is a child psychologist who works with his friend and L.A.P.D. Detective Milo Sturgis. They are investigating a murder scene of a woman who, not surprisingly, had aspirations to become an actress living in Los Angeles. Paradoxically, the toxicology shows that she had amounts of tranquilizers in her system, although her friends stated that she never used drugs. The book continues as other detectives investigate a case that is undoubtedly related to this first murder. Open Season is another entertaining and well-crafted novel by one of the masters in the field; I strongly recommend that you grab Open Season and read it as soon as possible. Check out his long backlist for others unfamiliar with Jonathan Kellerman's work. You will have a long list to read, making any reader happy.

