Discovering Andrew Case and The Hollow City series is like discovering gold. The Big Fear was a tremendous novel, and A Falling Knife is just as good. In this the second entry into the series the reader is transported to the borough of Brooklyn where buildings are going up as fast as the stock market. However, something is not right. People are dying, money is changing hands and our hero, and his counterparts are desperate to find out why. Is a large development company at the heart of the problem, and most of all why a certain detective is more dedicated to doing his twenty than solving the case.
Andrew Case writes about what he knows. He knows cops, the inner workings of the N.Y.P.D and how it all comes together. My only hope is that Mr. Case continues writing more in this wonderful series. However, if he chooses to explore other areas, I know that I will be happy. Do yourself a solid buy The Big Fear and A Falling Knife as soon as possible. Andrew case is an author that once discovered is like gold that you will treasure and keep around forever.