Big Guns by Steve Israel is big fun. Mr. Israel writes what he knows. Politics, money, deals, back-room brawls and promises, most of which are bought and paid for with taxpayer money
Here we find a novice southern congressperson in search of popularity and political currency. What better way than to legislate your way to fame by requiring that all Americans be armed? As you wend your way through this extremely funny and topical satire you cry as much as you laugh. Because Big Guns is dead on perfect. The characters are comical and believable, and the pot they stir is reflective of today’s Washington. Along the way we meet the star of the show, a vivacious and pretty D.C. lobbyist, whose only desire is to increase her income and her reputation, by any means necessary. Throw in a leftist mayor from the Gold Coast of New York and her agenda and you end up with a tremendously funny, cogent, and marvelous read. You win my vote, Mr. Israel.