“Five Will Die” by Trace Conger is an enthralling and vastly superior police procedural. The pages disappear at astounding speed, and the novel holds you captive from page one. Five Will Die is a beautiful novel that delivers on every page.
The narrative unfolds in a rural Ohio town as we meet the Sheriff, a former Cleveland homicide detective relocated in hopes of getting cats out of trees instead of catching murderers. The Sheriff receives a threatening note, and soon after, bodies start dropping. Is a serial killer on the move, or are the crimes unrelated? Do the victims share common victimology, or is it all just coincidence? Soon the F.B.I. is asked to help. The interplay between the locals and the feds is entertaining, and mentioned databases like V.I.C.A.P. and N.C.I.C. ring actual. Conger knows his subject well. He is a gifted storyteller who has provided us with an extraordinarily satisfying procedural. Readers will hurry to buy and read the author's hugely diverting backlist.