Palm Beach Piranha the prolific and talented Tom Turner, is another captivating, amusing, and eminently enjoyable procedural staring former N.Y.P.D. Detective Charlie Crawford and his partner, Mort Ott. And, of course, the supporting cast of various girlfriends and bosses in the Palm Beach Police department. The story unfolds as Charlie's ex-wife is found D.O.A. Recently marital problems point to the husband, but this guy is one intelligent and slimy perp. Making matters worse is that he is a doctor with money and excuses that make it difficult for Charlie to make a solid case. Ott and Charlie pursue the ex-husband to New York and back to Florida but come up with nothing.
Meanwhile, an older wealthy billionaire is being held ransom until he transfers 20 million dollars to a pair of stupid but entertaining low-lives. Charlie and Ott track them down to Puerto Rico and other islands before making their bust.
Palm Beach Piranha is another successful example of escapism at its best. Turner is a master and deserves the large readership that makes him an author to watch and follow.