Surprise, Surprise! by talented and entertaining author Mike Faricy again delivers the goods in spades. His loveable and less-than-perfect characters abound as the story unfolds as only Faricy can compose. Dev Haskell, our favorite private investigator, is summoned by his non-paying, dangerous client and criminal Tubby Gustafson to escort Tubby's daughter around town. Meanwhile, Dev picks up an attractive yet unpredictable female who claims her husband is cheating on her. Dev gladly takes on this seductive client but finds no wrongdoing. Matters heat up in both cases while Dev consults with Louie, his long-time office partner, and Mort, his ever-present pork rind eating Labrador retriever.
Surprise, Surprise! is Number 31 in this long-running, entertaining, and well-put-together series. Read every one of them. There is no better way to spend your time.